Spring boot MVC interceptor
For test purposes I wanted to add error emulation to our spring server. But I did not want to modify its sources and wanted ability to compile server without this test functionality.
For that I used spring interceptor. In my case interceptor works before server controller.
Test communicates with the interceptor thru additional http headers
As specified in HTTP RFC
server shoul ignore unknown headers so this is transparent
for it.
Interceptor source:
public class EmulatorInterceptor implements HandlerInterceptor {
public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, Object object) {
// check http-header for test command
final String emulateError = request.getHeader(EMULATE_HEADER);
if (Objects.equals(EMULATE_NETWORK_CLOSE, emulateError)) {
((Response) response).getHttpChannel().getEndPoint().close();
return false; // finish request processing
return true; // continue request processing in the server controller
We can make our answer in response
(and return false
so spring won’t call server controller), or we can return true
and spring will call server controller.
Configuration class to add the interceptor to the spring application:
public class InterceptorConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
private final EmulatorInterceptor emulatorInterceptor;
public InterceptorConfig(EmulatorInterceptor emulatorInterceptor) {
this.emulatorInterceptor = emulatorInterceptor;
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {