Free Gantt chart template (like MS Project) for Google sheets or Excel
Project scheduling without MS Project
If you need just a simple Gantt chart but do not want to buy MS Project why do use just Gogle Sheets or MS Excel?
All you need just a very simple free template.
There are no complex formulas and VBA scripts.
How to setup the Gantt chart for you project
Copy the template from the link above to your Google Drive.
Set your start date in cell H1
Fill your resources in the table G11:G15
Fill you holidays in table C11:C15
That’s all!
How use this free Gantt chart template for Google Sheets(Excel) in your project
Enter ID and name of you task in columns A
and B
Select Resource from drop-down list in column G
Enter number of days for the task in column D
List all predecessor tasks in column C
(separate by ,
For the task without predecessors will be used the project start date you
entered to cell H1
For all other tasks the sheet will calculate start date as max
all predecessors’ last dates.
Last dates are calculated using task length in column D
taking into account
weekends and holidays you already entered in table C11:C15
How to add line to Gantt chart
On 8th row select from right-click menu Insert row (Insert 1 above).
Copy formulas from columns E - H (select appropriate cell on row above and drag blue square at right bottom corner).
How to add more resources
Add line in table G11:G15
and create custom formatting rule for it (select cell
and choose in menu Format
-> Conditional formatting